
This gallery includes:

  1. African Birds
  2. Birds of Prey
  3. Ducks, Geese and other Waterfowl
  4. Garden Birds
  5. Penguins
  6. Sea Birds

African Birds

Ostriches on the beach
Ostriches foraging on the beach

 Birds of Prey

Black Shouldered Kite landing with Prey
Black Shouldered Kite landing with Prey

Ducks, Geese and other Waterfowl

Mallard Ducklings

Garden Birds



Yellow eyed penguin on their nest
Yellow eyed penguin on their nest

Sea Birds

Puffin with sand eels
Puffin with sand eels

Species in this gallery: African penguin, American Kestral, American Widgeon, Arctic tern, Azores Chaffinch, Black shouldered kite, Black Swan, Blue tit, Bokmakierie, Brown pelican, Carrion crow, Chaffinch, Common buzzard, Common pheasant, Coot, Cory’s Shearwater, Eider duck, European shag, Gadwall, Grey Wagtail, Northern fulmar, Northern gannett, Great blue heron, Hadada Ibis, Herring gull, Hoopoe, kittiwake, Lapwing, Magpie, Mallard, Morhen, Mute Swan, Orange breasted sunbird, Orange throated Longclaw, Osprey, Ostrich, Oystercatcher, Atlantic puffin, Razorbill, Red-billed gull, Robin, Secretary bird, Short-eared owl, Snipe, Southern royal albatross, White capped albatross, Yellow-eyed penguin

Copyright © KJR wildlife photography. All rights reserved to Kelly Robinson
You may NOT use, replicate, manipulate, or modify any image without my written consent

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