Big Cats

This gallery includes:

  1. Cheetah
  2. Lions


Cheetah cubs
Cheetah cubs


Male Lion
Male Lion

Species in this gallery: cheetah, lion

Copyright © KJR wildlife photography. All rights reserved to Kelly Robinson
You may NOT use, replicate, manipulate, or modify any image without my written consent

2 thoughts on “Big Cats”

  1. May I use the profile shot of the amur leopard of 2013 for an album cover I am doing for a friend of mine? I have to mention, that I am not getting any money for this and my buddy is not making any money with his music either. I could send you the finished album cover and i am sure you would be happy your photo was brougt into this cover art.

    1. Dear Nils, I am flattered that you like the shot so much but I would need a lot more information about the situation before agreeing to this. This is because the leopard does not belong to me, it is a guest of Edinburgh Zoo and they do not want images of their animals used in certain ways. Please respect the wishes of the zoo and do not use this image without the go ahead. What is the purpose of the album in question if it is not commercial? Can you provide any links to a website containing details about the album or artists? I am also not sure which shot you are actually refering to, there are three leopard shots in 2013 in this web page. Please provide me with more details and I can then make an informed decision.

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